the present kairos


the present kairos is an exploration of language. by reflecting a word through various mirrors (political, social, cultural, rhetorical, linguistic, corporeal, etc.), we deconstruct the term in search of its essence in which it intrinsically holds a kaleidoscopic core. our goal in this project will be to illuminate these colorful perceptions through music and image. in hopes of breaking through preordained definitions, presenting the word in its multi-faceted presence will allow for a space that yearns for an open-minded, understanding, and honest dialogue amongst all of us.


SEASON 2 (2021-2022)

to be announced...

SEASON 1 (2021)

panacea pt. 1
panacea pt. 2
hiraeth (i)
hiraeth (ii)
hiraeth (iii)



to be announced...


july 24, 2021

july 7, 2021

april 1, 2021

'hiraeth' presented at Du Vert à L'infini


featured artist

Fresne-Saint-Mamès, France (digital presentation)

Hiraeth House, Buffalo, NY @ 6pm

Off Latch Press, Spring Zine


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